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Христианство (2573)
Библейские сюжеты (1283)
The Gallery of Scripture Engravings… (191)
12-000842Гора Хермон (Ермон). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000843Бегство в Египет. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000844Невольничий рынок в Константинополе. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000845Встреча Иакова и Иосифа. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000846Обращение Савла. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000847Город Тир. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000848Въезд Иисуса в Иерусалим. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000849Помазание ног Христа. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000850Ливанские кедры. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000851Давид перед Саулом. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000852Любимая одалиска (наложница) султана. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000853Исаак благословляет Иакова. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000854Зал для аудиенций во дворце султана Эйюба. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000855Храм Гроба Господня в Иерусалиме. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000856Христос, несущий крест. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000857Дань. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000858Храм святого Иоанна в Пергаме. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000859Древний город Селевкия. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000860Приветствие Марии. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000861Медный змей. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000862Стены Антиохии. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000863Иисус Христос и самаритянка. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000864Гигейское озеро. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000865Иудейская царица Гофолия (Аталия). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.