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12-001666Русско-турецкая война 1877-78 гг. Ранко Алимпич (1826-82) - сербский генерал и военный министр Сербии. The war in the East. An illustrated history of the conflict between Russia and Turkey with a review of the Eastern question. Нью-Йорк, 1878
12-001706Русско-турецкая война 1877-78 гг. Генерал Ахмед Мухтар-паша (1832-1919) и генерал М.Т.Лорис-Меликов (1825-88). The war in the East. An illustrated history of the conflict between Russia and Turkey with a review of the Eastern question. Нью-Йорк, 1878
12-001741Русско-турецкая война 1877-78 гг. Сулейман-паша (1838-92), турецкий генерал. The war in the East. An illustrated history of the conflict between Russia and Turkey with a review of the Eastern question. Нью-Йорк, 1878