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12-000740Сардис. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000742Оплакивание Иисуса Христа. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000743Монастырь Санта Саба. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000744Христос в пустыне. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000745Река Кишон (Киссон). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000746Иисус Христос предсказывает разрушение Иерусалима. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000747Иаков благословляет Манассию и Ефрема. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000748Сиро-финикийская женщина молит Иисуса Христа об исцелении дочери. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000749Гора Кармель. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000750Агарь в пустыне. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000751Жертвоприношение Авраама. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000752Иисус Христос омывает ноги ученикам. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000753Церковь в Вифлееме. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000754Блудный сын. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000755Город Тиатира (Акхисар). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000756Жертвоприношение Ноя. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000757Мавзолей-гробница Авессалома. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000758Уверование Фомы. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000759Авраам и Лот. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000760Горе Иова. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000761Яффа (древняя Иоппия). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000762Святое семейство. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000763Натан и Давид. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000764Вознесение Христа. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.