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12-000765Город Тарсус (Тарс) - родина апостола Павла. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000766Продажа Иосифа в рабство. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000767Смирна (Измир), вид с залива. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000768Воскрешение Лазаря. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000769Город Акко (Сен-Жан д'Акр). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000770Не прикасайся ко мне! The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000771Христос, повелевающий ветрами. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000772Не послушавший пророка. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000773Нар-эль-Кельб. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000774Иоанн Креститель. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000775Монастырь на горе Кармель. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000776Иосиф перед фараоном. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000777Притча о десяти девах. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000778Даниил в логове львов. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000779Эден. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000780Жертвоприношение. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000781Остановка каравана. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000782Преображение Господне. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000783Тайная вечеря. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000784Прелюбодейка. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000785Древние руины в Акко. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000786Возвращение блудного сына. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000787Изгнание торговцев из храма. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000788Ревекка у колодца. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.