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12-000789Интерьер дворца библейской эпохи. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000790Пляски вокруг золотого тельца. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000791Смирна (Измир). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000792Самсон и Далила. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000793Пещеры горы Кармель. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000794Всемирный потоп. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000796Проповедь Петра. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000798Пророк Илия воскрешает сына вдовы. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000799Снятие с креста. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000800Исцеление расслабленного (парализованного). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000801Великий храм в Баальбеке. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000802Обретение Моисея. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000804Коронование Эсфири. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000805Перевал Сук-Барада на реке Фарфар. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000806Марта и Мария Магдалина. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000807Пергам. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000808Христос и ученики в Эммаусе. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000809Родос. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000810Избиение младенцев. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000811Прозрение Товита. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000812Джераш. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000813Добрый самаритянин. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000814Антиохия. The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.
12-000815Давид и Авигея (Авигаль, Абигайль). The gallery of Scripture engravings, historical and landscape, with descriptions, historical, geographical and pictorial. Лондон, 1850-е гг.